Ursuline High School and Wimbledon College Conference, 10 October 2018

Led by experts in the field, Year 12 students from Ursuline and Wimbledon College explored the extent and causes of inequality and lack of social mobility in the UK today and the part that our education system has to play in promoting social mobility. Together they developed action plans designed to ensure the every child, whatever the circumstances of their birth, can have an equal opportunity for success.
Speakers included:
David Johnston OBE, Chief Executive of the Social Mobility Foundation
Kiri Tunks, President of the NUT
Dr Jamie Whyte, Director of Research from the Institution of Economic Affairs
Dr Matt Bullimore, from Churchill College, Cambridge
Fr Michael Holman SJ and Professor Claire Ozanne, Deputy Provost, Roehampton University, also supported students' learning.
Student Comments:
'I now understand what social mobility is, how it is measured and its importance to our society and that there is so much more than just school determines how bright your future might be.'
'It is useful to have the chance to take part in debates outside normal lessons and learn about the gap in opportunity between young people from different incomes and social groups.'
'I gained new perspectives...hearing from great speakers who are working towards greater social mobility'
9:00: Icebreaker
9:15: Welcome
9:30: David Johnston OBE, Chief Executive Social Mobility Foundation
10:00: Kiri Tunks, NUT Vice-President
10:30: Student group working and feedback facilitated by Laurence Smy
11:00: Break
11:25: Dr Jamie Whyte, Institute of Economic Affairs
11:55: Dr Matt Bullimore, Churchill College Cambridge
12:15: Student table working and feedback to panel facilitated by Laurence Smy
12:45: Tables present key responses to panel and vote
1:20: Lunch
1:50 Fr Michael Holman SJ and questions
2:20: Students work on Manifestos for Change
2:40: Student feedback to panel facilitated by Clare Thorogood
3:00: Evaluation
3:10: Conclusion and thanks