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Code of Conduct

1. Please do not make statements about TEAM or its policies which are not already included in our published materials without adding a disclaimer or seeking support in advance from the Executive Committee


2. When participating in an organised activity please work under the direction of the TEAM member responsible for the activity


3. When you and other TEAM members are guests of another organisation please work under the direction of the host appointed by that organisation.


4. When you are guests in an educational establishment please observe the policies of that organisation on health and safety, safeguarding of minors (and vulnerable adults) and all other policies which are communicated to you


5. Never put yourself in a position which could attract criticism: scrupulously avoid physical contact with minors and do not say or do anything which would attract allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards members of either sex


6. Never be alone in a room with a minor or vulnerable adult. Never be alone in a room with someone, especially a student, where the relationship is of organiser to participant.


7. Volunteers are expected to work towards the achievement of the mission (see Constitution) of TEAM and never to do or say anything which would bring the Movement, or one of its volunteers, into disrepute.


8. Volunteers are expected to act always towards participants in any activity organised by TEAM with courtesy and consideration.


9. If you consider that a volunteer from TEAM has acted inappropriately or if a complaint has been made that this has happened, you must report this to an officer of the Movement or the TEAM organiser of the activity. The person to whom you report must inform an officer of the movement as soon as reasonably possible. That officer must lay the matter in front of two other officers of the movement who shall decide whether the matter should be put on the agenda of an Executive Committee Meeting or dealt with in another manner which safeguards the interests of the individuals involved and allows for a complaints procedure to be followed. The outcome of any such matter must be reported to the Executive Committee with a recommendation for action or for the record.

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