In 2020, we decided to host our first Essay Competition for students of Member schools. Authors of winning essays would receive cash prizes.
Unsurprisingly, it got off to a bit of a rocky start due to the uncertainty created by COVID-19. However, after a little delay it eventually went ahead and we were delighted by the standard of essays that we received.
The students were set the question 'Following the 2019 Election, Boris Johnson Urged “Let the Healing Begin”. What do you Suggest Could be Done to Bring this About?'
After writing a fantastic essay, Mansimar Singh was awarded First Place in the 2020 Essay Competition and received a £200 cash prize. In addition, to his prize we are happy to publish his winning essay on our website and we hope that you get the opportunity to read it.
The judges were also pleased too announce that we received another essay worthy of receiving a prize. Kamran Vaishnav wrote an insightful essay in response to the set question and received a £100 cash prize as result of his sterling effort.
We do hope that you give both essays the read they deserve and you can find links to them at the end of this post. Congratulations again to Mansimar and Kamran, as well as their school Queen Elizabeth School, Barnet.
TEAM Global
(The European Atlantic Movement)